Opens the “Event Log” window, which allows you to see all the Apple events sent by a script as it runs, and the results of “log” statements in a script. Prints the active script. Sets paper size, orientation and other printing options for the active script. Undoes all changes you have made to the active window since you opened it. Not available because you haven't made any changes yet, or because no windows are open. Undoes all changes you have made to the active window since you opened it. Saves a copy of the active script in a form that can be run but not edited. Not available because no script window is active. Saves a copy of the active script in a form that can be run but not edited. The original script file is not affected and can still be edited. Saves the active script in a new location or with a new name. The new script becomes active. Not available because no script is active. Saves the active script in a new location or with a new name. The new script becomes active. Saves changes to the active script. Not available because no changes have been made, or because no script is active. Saves the active script, or the active format settings. If you have not saved the script before, a dialog box appears in which you assign a name to the script and indicate where to save it. Closes the active window. Not available because a dialog window is active (you must press a button in the window to dismiss it) or because no windows are open. Closes the active window. Lets you view the user scripting dictionary of a scriptable application or scripting addition. Choose the application or addition from the dialog that appears. Displays a dialog box from which you choose an existing script file to open. Opens a new, untitled script. This item cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. This menu cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. File menu Use this menu to create, open, save and close script files; print; set preferences; and quit Toy Surprise. Opens a window that lets you change the fonts and styles used to display AppleScript scripts. Not available because AppleScript is not installed. Opens a window that lets you change the fonts and styles used to display AppleScript scripts. All scripts will be displayed in these styles. Selects the entire text of the script or its comment, or all the formatting categories. Not available now because there is nothing to be selected. Selects the entire text of the script or its comment, or all the formatting categories. Pastes an AppleScript expression that describes the location of an application object copied to the Clipboard. Not available because the Clipboard doesn't contain any object references. Pastes an AppleScript expression that describes the location of the application object you've copied to the Clipboard. Deletes the selected text or graphics without storing it on the Clipboard. Not available now because nothing is selected. Deletes the selected text or graphics without storing it on the Clipboard. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point. Not available because there is no text on the Clipboard. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point. Copies the selected text or graphics. The original selection remains where it is. Not available now because nothing is selected. Copies the selected text or graphics. The original selection remains where it is. The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Not available now because no text is selected. Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Undoes your last editing action. Not available because that action cannot be undone (or because you haven't made any changes yet.) Undoes your last editing action. You can use this command to replace text you have cut or cleared or to remove text you have pasted or typed. This item cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. This menu cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. Edit menu Use this menu to undo your last action, to manipulate text, and to select an entire text block Opens a window that displays the result returned by the last script that ran. Stops script recording or playback. Not available because no script is running. Stops script recording or playback. (This is just like pressing the “Stop” button.) Runs the script. Not available because no script window is active. Runs the script. To see the result value, choose the “Show Result” command. (This is just like pressing the “Run” button.) Turns on the recorder: actions you perform in any scriptable application will be entered as commands into this script. Not available because no script window is active. Turns on the recorder: actions you perform in any scriptable application will be entered as commands into this script. (This is just like pressing the Record button.) This item cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. This menu cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. Controls Use this menu to control script execution, and to see the result returned by running a script. Controls menu Use this menu to control script execution, and to see the result returned by running a script. This is an installed scripting system. Choose this command to use this scripting system for new scripts. Displays the Script Editor’s keen About box.